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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Cannoli siciliani =  Sicilian cannoli
 it is a traditonal dessert from Sicily
This recipe is a real triumh of authentic flavors of Southern Italy and one of the most tempting dessert of Italian cuisine
If you want to read about the History

Make abaut 28 pastries
 cannoli Shells Ingredients 
  • 170 g plain flour
  • 1/4 g granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 5 g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 30 g vegetable shortening
  • 6/8 tablespoons sweet Marsala wine
  • Vegetable Oil for frying
  • 1 to 2 large egg whites , lightly beaten                                 


  • To make the cannoli shells: In large bowl, mix togethere the flour, cocoapowder, and salt and sugar.Then gradually work in the wine and water to form a compact dough. Shape dough into a ball, flatten and wrap in plastic wrap. Let rest at room temperature for 1 hour.
  • In a deep -fat or heavy -bottoned saucepan, heat the oil to 350 degrees F. Wrap each circle onto a mold, sealing the two edges that overlap with a dab of water and by pressing  toghetere. Carefully immerse a few shellas at a time, into the hot oil and fry until golden and crisp. Drain the shells on the paper towels, let cool and remove the molds from the cannoli.
  Ricotta Cannoli filling
660g fresh ricotta, 170g to 190 g  confectioners' sugar, sifted,  1/2 teasppons pure vanilla, 50 g finely diced candied orange or candied citron, 70 gr miniature semi -sweet chocolate chips.
  • To make the filling: In a bowl, wip up the ricotta and sugar until creamy. Add the grated chocolate and candied orange. Mix houghly. Using a piping bag, pipe the filling into each shell, starting at the middle and working out towards each end. Garnish the ends of cannoli with sliced candied fruit and then dust the cannoli with icing sugar.                                                                                  

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